Friday, August 5, 2011

Protest To Protect SpeakAsia - Nagpur Press Conference

Dear Speak Asians,

Please go through the video below which shows the panelists in a press conference at Nagpur supporting SAOL and urging media to present the point of view of a common citizen of India also who is a Speak Asia Panelist.

What is most important here to note that the Speak Asia has now become the movement of common man. It is no more only Company's fight. Nation wide protests are being organized by the panelists in various parts of our Country. Many representations have been made to the members of parliament and legislative assemblies by the panelists of Speak Asia.

For the first time in the history of direct selling/Network Marketing/Multi Level Marketing it is happening that the members of any Company have come on streets to fight against all the establishments in the Country whichever is opposing this movement. History is the witness that if common people have fought unitedly in any democracy governments have changed. There is no question that right of honest living which is provided by the Speak Asia, will be denied to a common man by any establishment of this Country .

Speak Asia panelist campaign - Delhi & Pune

Dear Speak Asians,

Following is the campaign which the panelists of Speak Asia are organizing:


Event : Speak Asia Support Rally

Date: 05 August 11 (Friday)

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Jantar Mantar, Delhi.


Event : Signature Campaign by panelists.

Date: 06 August 11 (Saturday)

Time: 16:00 - 20:00 (4Pm - 8Pm).

The Central Park Hotel,
1265, Apte Road,
Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, Maharashtra.

Protest to Protect Speakasia - Ludhiana Bike Rally

The support continues for SpeakAsia. This time it was in "Manchester of Punjab" - Ludhiana.
Hundreds of speakasians came out on their bikes and with posters, banners, speakasian T-Shirts participated in the rally. They moved around the city and shouted out slogans. They only demanded one thing - Justice for Speakasia and Speakasians.

Pamphlets were distributed and panelist expressed their views on SpeakAsia. They showed their support and desire to continue with Speakasia. They spoke about fighting for the company and give any kind of support for the existence of company.  They raised a point that there must be proper laws to govern and regulate any company while it starts operation in India. Government must not wake up after lacs of people start believing in the company. They spoke about showing their support and fight for Speakasia through internet using YouTube, facebook, websites, blogs etc. Watch the videos from the rally

There was lot of energy in the rally and the slogans of the rally were

"Sara Bharat Rootha Hai, Star News Jhootha Hai"

"We Want Justice"

"SpeakAsia Zindabad"

BizBasket salutes these panelist and feels that Speakasia is the next thing after Cricket which is uniting India. What are you doing to "Protect SpeakAsia"?

How to Support Speakasia-BizBasket Advice

How can we support SpeakAsia ?

Speakasians, first of all, let us ask you few questions.
  • Do you think SAOL is genuine and/or will work as per laws in India?
  • Has SAOL brought any positive change in your life or do you think it can bring?
  • Do you think that SAOL is so important that we must support it?
If anyone of the above questions is answered as 'Yes', you must think about the ways you can support SAOL. BizBasket have listed down some of them, and we are sure there are many more.

1. Start looking facts and think about last 2 months. You will start believing in the company. So lets be positive about things which we believe in.

2. Educate and inform your referrals and team about these facts. 

3. Create a healthy and trustful environment between your team, uplines, downlines. This will help SAOL so that no more complaints are filed (if any) by any panelist.

4. Try to meet other panelist in your city and near by places and organize meeting, protest or press conference. Our fellow speakasians in Pune did this. Make sure people from media are there to cover it and your activities are lawful and peaceful.

5. If you feel you can't do this, atleast inform anyone about correct things who is talking wrong or with miss information about our company. Be positive and don't feel bad about our company friends. It's a great venture.

6. Write email and send message to the MP of your constituency and request them to put this matter in parliament on our behalf. You can see details in our earlier articles. "SpeakAsia Panelist Request to Politicians"

7.  Meet the administrative officers and senior police officials and put your point. This will help in creating healthy environment in your place about SAOL.

8. If you believe in SAOL, you can help them by burning your RPs. Buy subpanels, products, vouchers etc. Do not create illegal panels though. Logically these points make sense only if SAOL gets approval. So lets use it and help them pull down some burden from our company's head.

9. Most important, have faith and patience and make sure there are no more complaints against the company.

Make sure whatever you do is with passion and belief in our company and your decision. Remember one thing

SpeakAsia Panelist Request to Politicians


Kindly send a request to your respective MPs to help SpeakAsia resume their operations in India. You can either send this request as E-mail or as a Text Message.

Points to be remember while sending this email text to respective MP’s of your constituency.

   1. Send it as a fresh mail i.e. edit all minor details like FW symbol in subject line.
   2. Be advised to all team members to ensure every person who supports us send this mail

Here is the contact list of MPs.

Note:- Search for the respective MP from the list given above and take the email address or Mobile No. and write the below text and send.

Email Text:

Respected Sir,

I as a panelist of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd (SAOL) from your constituency, write this plead for your urgent consideration. This company that is registered and incorporated in Singapore carries the business e commerce. This is accomplished by collecting the related information from us who are panelist of Speak Asia. We in turn are rewarded points against the same which can be used to consume or promote products or encashment of the reward points. All the transactions occur through proper banking channels.

We could proudly say that this company has uplifted our standard of living and till now we haven’t faced any problem of receiving the money. But for the last 3 months because of the false allegation by few NGO’s & media channels for their own benefit, we are facing the problem of receiving the money in time. Though the company tries to solve and close the issue, we feel the above said problem is still working against the company, in turn against the panelists (i.e.) our income.

So we humbly request you to take our concern to the highest of the country (The Parliament) and take us through in our favor as soon as possible. This would restore our peace and earning. We will always be thankful to you.

Thanks & Regards


Mobile No

SMS Text:

Sir, I am a panelist with SpeakAsia and have been making a living by participating in its activities. But a few media channels and NGOs have made false allegations against the company. This has resulted in the arrest of the officials and stoppage of the business. This has deeply affected our families. Kindly take up our plea in the parliament and help find a solution.

Thank & Regards

Panelist - SpeakAsia